Another One Bites the Dust...
Another week down and still no updates on our little girl. I look forward to tomorrow being Monday, knowing that I have a crazy week of tennis and plenty of things to take my mind off of Wednesday's board meeting in Thailand.
This weekend was great. We do a babysitting co-op with friends and this weekend was our weekend to watch all of the kids. It turned out to be a great evening and we had a great time taking them to dinner and then to the big park near our house. M is only a few months older than Prim and she is just a joy to be with. I always tell her mother that I pray that Prim has the personality of M..and the appetite!! She is a doll and it makes me miss having our baby here even more. It's amazing how quickly I've forgotten the things that made me thrive as a mother during toddler hood. I love the babbling and animal sounds and the sheer, unadulterated enjoyment of all things new and exciting like big slides and sand! M is a daily reminder for me and I think God is using this precious little girl to prepare my heart for our daughter.
Today G slept in-would you believe it until after 9 in the morning! He had had two late nights so we decided to let him sleep and skip church. Not something we do often but we felt he could use the extra rest since we've all been so sick the last few months. Later in the day my son, my sweet little guy, had a temper tantrum that was almost laughable it was so dramatic. We hadn't gone through one of those in so long H and I just stared at each other and shrugged our shoulders. He was so tired from no nap, in the heat at a BBQ and then going swimming to boot that he just couldn't deal with himself anymore. G has this issue after swimming with his eyes being "swirly"-his term not mine. We try to get him to wear the mask but even when he does he won't let H suction it to his face to prevent the water from coming in so it's all for not. Our indoor pool is very chlorinated and it bothers him afterwards. Well, he must have gotten a wee bit over zealous b/c he was extremely congested as well and was trying to suck his two fingers and couldn't breathe through his mouth and his eyes were all swirly and on and on and on. He became so frustrated that he started screaming the second I mentioned nose drops to clear him up.
We managed to hold him down long enough to get the drops in and the second he found relief his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he was asleep-at 5pm. Not an ideal nap time.
Tonight I finished Prim's first scrapbook page. It's nothing crazy or overly creative. I really just needed to get over the hump on doing the first page. Every time I sit down to do start it I feel like I don't know where to start. Do I start with us and why we wanted to adopt? Do I leave out us entirely and make it totally about her? Do I add in personal information about her bio family right now? Should I do a page on Thailand and what makes it special? Any insight out there in cyberworld would be really helpful!!
Hi, I found your blog recently and love following it as you are just ahead of us in adopting from Thailand. We began the process in August 2005 and our homestudy has been in Thailand for 3 months. I was quite relieved to read about your scrapbooking. I too have been to scared to start as I wanted it to be perfect and I wasn't quite sure how to collaborate the whole thing but I have started now too and need to continue. I plan to do this first book (or 2) for a child to have as an adult and want to include pages on us and why we chose to adopt, and our preparations, why Thailand etc. Then I will make a book (or 2) that we can look at with them right form the start. One that I expect will get a LOT of use. We will cover our trip to Thailand and our homecoming and life with them in this book. And about Thailand in a child friendly way. Not sure if this will help you at all, but thanks for blogging I really need it at the moment!
Andrea from NZ
So good to meet another friend adopting from Thailand! Thanks for reading, I hope that if we travel before you it will be good insight.
I went online today and did a bit of research on life books and found some good articles. I think what I'm going to do is ONE scrapbook completely about the process, her background, and our travels to pick her up and stop there. That way she has one book completely dedicated to her adoption story. Then from there I will begin a second book from "HOME" on. That's how it sounded like alot of people might do it and it makes me feel better about the process-not so intimidating.
I have done the first page with my favorite pic of her so far and and her name. The second page is all on facts and tidbits on Thailand including a map of the country and the word "thailand" in thai on that page as well. I should take a photo and put it up huh? I will probably do another page on fun facts about the year/day she was born. One page on birthmother/family, a bunch on the foster family and then pre do a bunch of pages to insert pictures for when we travel. I hope this helps! Stay tuned and I will try to post a picture soon!!
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