Sunday, April 04, 2010

Wordless Weekend


Wendy said...

Gorgeous pictures, April!!! Love the curlers!! We used a curling iron on Lily's hair today--for all the good it did. Pin-straight hair doesn't hold curl very well! Hope you guys had a wonderful Easter!

April said...

Thanks Wendy! The curlers just made her hair bouncy and big! I did try a curling iron once and the results were not pretty :) (although Grace would not agree).

Anonymous said...

is that a lego spaceship they have made? thats brilliant!

April said...

My son (and husband:) are obsessed with a capital "O" with Lego Star Wars. It's a bit ridiculous. This was Gabe's new set for Easter. He got something a bit big this year b/c he gave all of the money he had been saving for this to the children's ministry at church :)

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