Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another Update


Holt called yesterday and they received our updated Dr's note that DSDW had requested. Unfortunately b/c of that request we seemed to have gotten "bumped" and now are looking at early July for travel. We are still hopeful on the end of June but Marissa was more inclined to believe that we would be heading to the July 11th meeting. Can you hear my long, dramatic sigh from here?? I swear this process is like banging your head against a wall over and over again only to find that you enjoy the pain in some creepy, masochistic way. I mean, you go into the process knowing that it will take preparation, there will be TONS of paperwork and unending time lines. You look forward to being accepted, and then "paper pregnant" (I still prefer the belly) and then REFERRAL!!! You keep thinking to yourself "ok...self....if I can make it to this part I'll feel better.....once we have our referral we'll be more patient...once our dossier is in Thailand we're almost done..." Not so much...

Every step of the way has presented more challenges and frustrations that I thought possible. Not because of our agency AT ALL. Just because of the process itself. The red tape, the bureaucracy. The fingerprinting, the notarizing and even more fingerprinting. Birth certificates, divorce and marriage certificates, Dr's notes and on and on and on!!

We have these pictures of this beautiful little girl who is our daughter and she is so far away. A I can only be thankful that we have so many wonderful family and friends supporting us. Yesterday while we ate dinner we asked G what he wanted to do this weekend with Mommy and Daddy.

He said, "Go get my sister". Amen, little man.

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